Saturday, January 16, 2010

i'm back because i see flies everywhere.

those who have not seen my taiwan pics pls go to fb=)
class started.
year 2 is seriously a big leap from year 1.

this sem's subjects:
psy201 advanced research methodology
psy203 child development
psy204 adolescent and adult development
psy212 educational psychology (this is an elective)

psy201 and 204 have colloquium>< means there's group presentation at the auditorium with possibly hundreds of students and evil lecturers asking you super difficult questions. yeay.

and this is most probably my last sem in help. UCAS if you see this pls accept ALL my applications!!!!

and last sem's results:
psy112 introduction to psychology 2. B+
within my expectation.
lls101 leadership and life skills. A-
was actually hoping for an A but oh well..A- is good enough i suppose...
mch202 public speaking. A-
i tot from his way of conspiring against me, i would get a B. so i'm happy with this=)
eco101 principles of microeconomics. A-

annica = impermanence
dukha = suffering
anata = non-self

can't wait for cny=)

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