Wednesday, March 3, 2010


preparation for 203 midterms:
1/3 2:30pm start first chapter.
2/3 11:00am finished first chapter.
2/3 3:00pm finished three chapters.
2/3 3:30-4:15pm finished the REMAINING THREE chapters.

i'm impressed with myself. blueh.

totally distracted from essay and preparation for trial run because of this song.



Leylane said...

Hi, I just wanted to say that even if I don't understand everyhing, because my english is not very good, I really enjoy your blog ! And this song... So beautiful ! (Ok, I don't understand a word, but I love the melody and the voice !).

Unknown said...

very interesting .... nice .....
thank you for the information very inspire me to work more ...... ...... good luck .....
visit also my website ........ please .........

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