Saturday, February 6, 2010


had my very first tutorial today as a tutor. tutees are juniors who're taking Quantitative Methods (Stats) this sem.
firstly i showed a very bad example to them by being late for half an hour. i have my reasons )=
and my impatience caused my car to langgar divider for the umpteenth time.
as for the tutoring part, i think i did horribly.
lotssss of room for improvement!><

had to choose btwn 3 events to attend at night.
1. cousin's wedding dinner.
2. help's charity concert and auction.
3. yumcha with jiayi and gang.

i decided to be a good girl and attended 1. in the end, the first dish was only served at 9pm and i forgot i couldnt eat a lot of things because of my piercing. (note: yes dudes, i went to pierce my ears for the very first time.) now you see why i'm so indecisive huh....because every decision that i make is a mistake>< turned out that 2 and 3 were so much more entertaining. and xj if you see this, i'm still very glad for you hahaha...

and life at uni? hmm...

1 comment:

The Silly Science said...

Keep working on the tutoring. I do some tutoring too and it pays off for both in the long run.