Saturday, September 20, 2008

fruitless morning.

am told to publicize this 'oh-so-interesting' event. lol.

B, X, S and M decided to go to ** college to attend this ** forum. well if X wasn't the driver, S wouldn't even go. so M's dad drove S and B to the bus stop to wait for X to come. and the only thing that made the whole morning interesting was that B was wearing an orange baju kurung with blue roses patterns on it for no reason. damn striking wei!!! so in the end the 4 of them managed to reach ** college quite early and so they went to mph to take attendance. and initially they planned to chao early bcoz that ** forum is bound to be freaking boring mana tau since B was wearing that stunning baju kurung so they thought it'll be hard to slip off from the hall afterwards. so even before the forum started they decided to juz ponteng and go home. so X drove us home and on the way X's car banged on the divider o.O. anyway 4 of them managed to reach home safely i think. so S continued her date with 周公 on the sofa.....*end of story*

p.s. everything sounds so secretive due to the presence of some act. nanti kena tangkap ma. for no reason wan== haih...你要自由?去死吧...

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