Saturday, March 21, 2009's friday. crap.

things I did today:
1. attended Vienna test counselling. turned out to be a highly 'dramatic' session. dont ask why. but i've learnt a lot from that.

2. went to work. sooo glad that it's purely data entry, no callings. i only managed to key in 20 sets of surveys after 4 hours wth==....and have to work tmrw morning><...and maybe sunday as well...

3. went to gym. 5km. it's good=)

4. went to Kayu for supper. there's this food called poori which is delicious but highly addictive haha...

i have a lot to say actually.
but i'm really worn out now.
but before that....

presentation/assignment due next week:
1. research meth presentation on tuesday.
2. comm presentation on wednesday.
3. comm memo report and resume on friday.
4. cognitive psych report on friday.

all which I'VE NOT STARTED. WTH.

okay, as i've said.
i'm really tired.


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